Devil in the Details: The Small Stuff of Coffee Roasting

Rob Hoos

Coffee roasting consultant and owner of Iteration.Coffee

Session Description

Coffee roasting is an incredibly complex and difficult craft. Understanding and controlling the myriad of small variables involved in coffee roasting can be just as important as getting the larger details correct.

This session will focus on identifying variables worth paying attention to as a coffee roaster and using them to understand better how to guide our roast toward creating the flavor and consistency we seek.

There is so much more to the profession of roasting than basic heat transfer.

Presenter Bio

Rob Hoos is a coffee roasting consultant and owner of Iteration.Coffee. Rob is the author of Modulating the Flavor Profile of Coffee and has been a roaster since 2008. He has extensive experience in the specialty coffee industry, including roasting, training, purchasing and profile evaluation. He is a subject matter expert for the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and conducts coffee roasting workshops online and in-person at his lab in Rainier, Oregon.




Roast Summit | February 22-23 2024 | Portland, Oregon


Tasting the Standards: A Comprehensive View of Green Coffee Defects